[OSGeo-Discuss] gvSIG Festival and call for idea for exploring collaborations for GeoForAll/OSGeo Festival

Suchith Anand suchith_anand at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 19 01:50:19 PST 2018

The third edition of the gvSIG Festival, the virtual conference about the gvSIG project will be held on  March 21st and 22nd 2018. This event is free of charge and completely online, through the webinar service of the gvSIG Association, with the advantage to hear  speakers from different countries and presentations in different languages, where users  from any part of the world can hold them. Please register through link at http://www.gvsig.com/en/events/gvsig-festival/3rd-gvsig-festival 
I am impressed by the idea of virtual conference that gvSIG community is running. May I request the gvSIG community if it will be possible in future year's gvSIG Festival to have one day additional for GeoForAll/OSGeo Festival, so we can make use of the opportunity of virtual conference for GeoforAll/OSGeo community. This will help build more synergies/collaborations globally.Looking forward to ideas/inputs from all...

Best wishes,


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