[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 sponsorship

Stefano Campus skampus at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 07:04:43 PST 2018

 thanks for the info!


Il 25/Feb/2018 04:02 PM, "Dan Little" <theduckylittle at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> IBM, Google, and I believe even Microsoft have all sponsored various forms
> of the conference over the years. There are commits in repos from ESRI
> employees. Python, gdal, and other projects are used directly in ESRI
> software.  Sponsoring a conference is a pretty small, but visible way, to
> show support.
> On Feb 25, 2018 08:57, "Stefano Campus" <skampus at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Obviously, as I said before, this is my perspective and I am ready to
>> hear different opinions and to change mine.
>> Thank you
>> s.
>> Il 25/Feb/2018 03:54 PM, "Dan Little" <theduckylittle at gmail.com> ha
>> scritto:
>> You are the only one, and serving a very limited perspective.
>> On Feb 25, 2018 08:43, "Stefano Campus" <skampus at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you for your quick reply,  Maria.
>>> This is certainly my mistake, since I had not noticed it.
>>> But apart from that,  am I the only one feeling that this sponsorship is
>>> not exactly 'normal'?
>>> Stefano
>>> Il 25/Feb/2018 03:32 PM, "Maria Antonia Brovelli" <
>>> maria.brovelli at polimi.it> ha scritto:
>>> Dear Stefano, this is not a novelty. It happened also in the previous
>>> years (see the websites of the conferences).
>>> Best,
>>> Maria
>>> A course worth your attending:
>>> http://sws.cept.ac.in/course-detail/geodata-and-gis-for-natu
>>> ral-and-built-environment-management-S18FT005
>>> Have a good reading:
>>> https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-319-65633-5.pdf
>>> *----------------------------------------------------*
>>> *Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli*
>>> Professor of GIS and Digital Mapping
>>> Politecnico di Milano
>>> P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy
>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=P.zza+Leonardo+da+Vinci,+32+-+Building+3+-+20133+Milano+(Italy&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>> )
>>> Tel. +39-02-23996242 <+39%2002%202399%206242> - Mob. +39-328-0023867
>>> <+39%20328%20002%203867>,   <maria.brovelli at polimi.it>maria.brovel
>>> li at polimi.it
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *Da:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> per conto di Stefano
>>> Campus <skampus at gmail.com>
>>> *Inviato:* domenica 25 febbraio 2018 15:26
>>> *A:* Discuss at lists.osgeo.org
>>> *Oggetto:* [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 sponsorship
>>> Hi,
>>> I see ESRI is one of the sponsor of FOSS4G 2018.
>>> Do the OSGeo Board and Local Committee think it is appropriate?
>>> Our Romans ancestors used to say: 'Pecunia non olet' (money don't smell)
>>> but sometimes...
>>> Thank you for your reply
>>> Stefano Campus
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