[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Nomination to Malena Libman for the Board

Vasile Craciunescu vasile at geo-spatial.org
Sun Nov 11 12:43:28 PST 2018

Forwarding nomination of Malena Libman by María Arias de Reyna. The 
Board Nominations page has been updated: 

Vasile, Vicky & Jorge
CRO 2018 Elections

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Nomination to Malena Libman for the Board
Date: 	Sun, 11 Nov 2018 21:09:06 +0100
From: 	María Arias de Reyna <delawen at gmail.com>
To: 	CRO <cro at osgeo.org>, Malena Libman <malena.libman at gmail.com>

Name: Malena Libman
Country of Residence: Argentina

Malena is a long time member of the Spanish OSGeo Chapter (on the 
Geoinquietos Argentina brand), although she has been elected as charter 
member only this year. She has been working with the FOSS4G Argentina 
(as chair on the latest edition), and OSM communities in Argentina 
including GeoChicas. She recently represented the Argentina Chapter at 
FOSS4G 2018, and joined the OSGeo Marketing Committee. She has a 
Technical Degree on Geographic Information Systems by the University of 
General Sarmiento and she has worked with the national SDI of Argentina 
for several years. She has been advocating for open source and open data 
for years both in her work and in her free time. Malena has inspired me 
a lot with all her work on the community of GeoInquietos Argentina and 
I'm sure she will be a great asset for the board. She is a strong woman 
with a free spirit, just what we need to fight for Open Source in 

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