[OSGeo-Discuss] 2019 OSGeo Board of Directors election results

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Mon Dec 2 03:57:12 PST 2019

Dear OSGeo community,

Thank you for putting your trust in me and offering me your vote.

Congratulations to the new OSGeo board and thank you to all nominees for 
stepping forward. It is honoring to stand by your side and work together 
for the common benefit of all.

Warm regards from Bucharest,

On 02/12/2019 12:39, Jorge Gustavo Rocha wrote:
> Dear OSGeo community,
> These are the results from the 2019 elections for the 5 open
> seats of the OSGeo Board of Directors.
> The results in alphabetical order are:
> * Astrid Emde
> * Codrina Maria Ilie
> * Helena Mitasova
> * Till Adams
> * Vicky Vergara
> Thanks to all candidates for going through the elections process - all
> are deeply engaged in our community and inspired us by their example.
> Election figures are:
> * Membership: 462
> * Valid votes: 302
> The complete resulting Board for 2019/2020 is:
> * Angelos Tzotsos
> * Astrid Emde
> * Codrina Maria Ilie
> * Helena Mitasova
> * Michael Smith
> * Till Adams
> * Tom Kralidis
> * Vicky Vergara
> * Victoria Rautenbach
> The wiki page was updated with the results [1].
> We would like to thank all OSGeo members for taking part in the
> elections. Special thanks go to Regina Obe who was very helpful to bring
> LimeSurvey back to life on Saturday.
> Congratulations to the new board members!
> Jorge Gustavo Rocha and Anne Ghisla
> (your 2019 OSGeo Elections CROs)
> [1]
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors#OSGeo_Foundation_Board_of_Directors
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