[OSGeo-Discuss] Bezitopo 0.1.5 released

Pierre Abbat phma at bezitopo.org
Tue Dec 31 10:31:19 PST 2019

On Tuesday, 31 December 2019 12.59.57 EST Jody Garnett wrote:
> Can we take this over to the “incubation” list please? (CCing incubation
> list).

I'm not on the incubation list. Should I join?

Please use the reply-to-list button, not the reply-to-all button. When you 
reply to all, I get only one copy, which is in the inbox, not the mailing list 
folder, and when I reply to list to that message, it doesn't work, because the 
header that says it's a list message isn't there.

> We gotta check a couple things, see
> https://www.osgeo.org/about/committees/incubation/ heading “how to lost
> your project on the OSGeo website” :)

Do you mean "list your project", "host your project", or something else?

Jews use a lunisolar calendar; Muslims use a solely lunar calendar.

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