[OSGeo-Discuss] [Analysis] Geospatial server deployment statistics

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Jun 5 13:41:54 PDT 2020

On vendredi 5 juin 2020 08:30:39 CEST Jody Garnett wrote:
> That is really interesting Jonathan, if you are open to cross posting it
> would be nice to reference this from a GeoServer blog post.
> I especially liked the fingerprinting:
> > A ridiculously long, 5000+ item list of default projections that the
> > server supports that 1 in 6 GeoServer administrators hasn't culled
> Surprisingly nobody has made a motion to start with a smaller list, and I
> think we found that if we provided a smaller list folks assume GeoServer is
> less capable.
> What do other WMS implementations do?

For Mapserver, it is up to the service administrator (aka mapfile guru) to define the list of 
CRS he wants to expose. Otherwise just the global (default) mapfile CRS is exposed.

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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