[OSGeo-Discuss] invitation to check out a new initiative - OSGeo Geolexica

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Wed Oct 14 01:44:18 PDT 2020

Hi all,

I am writing to let you know of a new initiative within our community - 
the OSGeo Glossary - led by the Lexicon committee (in formation) with 
the scope of defining and managing geospatial terms across communities. 
First operative steps have already been made with setting up OSGeo 
Geolexica [1] for managing the lexicon database, as well as an initial 
load of terms that was done by a bulk load from cleaned terms and 
definitions compiled by the GeoForAll group.

The work is done in collaboration with folks from ISO/TC 211, OGC and 
The Good Docs Project [2] that have joined the Lexicon committee, which 
is very constructive given their decades long experience in terminology, 
as well as helping us with cross-organization alignment of concepts or 
avoiding term duplication.

Gracefully helping us with the groundwork are two experienced technical 
writers that Iā€™d like to introduce to our community, Ankita and Naini - 
in cc. Their contributions will support us in doing a clean, sharp job 
when it comes to the actual process of glossary construction.

A next big step for the Lexicon Committee is setting up pilot glossary 
projects for specific OSGeo projects, irrespective of their status, 
incubated, in the process or community. So, if this could be of interest 
to you, please let me, Cameron, Ankita or Naini know or by joining and 
presenting yourself on the Lexicon mailing list [3] or Slack channel [4].

Cheers and stay safe,

[1] https://osgeo.geolexica.org/
[2] https://thegooddocsproject.dev/
[3] https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/lexicon

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