[OSGeo-Discuss] Application for MDAL to join OSGeo incubator program

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 09:51:47 PDT 2020

Let me see if I can help, comments inline:
Jody Garnett

just wondering if I shouldn't send this to some mailing list, or
> communication with you directly is fine?

Each question looks like it goes to a different group, osgeo likes email
lists for transparency and community building. There are very few direct
email contacts in osgeo (president at osgeo.org, info at osgeo.org, etc....).

Indeed let me move this email to discuss at osgeo.org so others can follow
along, and more importantly correct me when I am wrong :)

1. I want to create a mailing list mdal-developer at lists.osgeo.org, but I am
>> unable to do so: with error "Error: You are not authorized to create new
>> mailing lists"
The System Admin Committee makes email lists, they like you to make a trac

> 2. MDAL & MDAL-docs repositories now live under lutraconsulting/ github
>> organization. Are we supposed to move them under OSGeo organization? How
>> can this be done? (I have permissions for lutraconsulting, but I am not
>> sure about the transition) Should we do it now or only after?
OSGeo does not have any requirement to change organizations or anything.

3. Can we already use the "OSGeo Community" Badge on the MDAL
>> repository/docs or should we wait for some official confirmation from OSGeo
>> of acceptance?
The osgeo incubation committee will review, and then make a motion to add
you to "OSGeo Community" program.

4. Do you have some details/doc with the next steps for us? If there are
>> some funds, promotions or other that MDAL can benefit from being community
>> project?  We are very much lacking the proper documentation for developers
>> and users. Also we miss the proper distribution means, where for now we
>> just copy the code into QGIS and compile it with it.
Incubation committee email list is a good place to discuss this, we mostly
have examples.
There is a document on how funding works with OSGeo (in short you show up
at a meeting and ask).

> 5. in the "Implemented Standards" section, I cannot find CF (
>> http://cfconventions.org) and UGRID standards we implemented (
>> http://ugrid-conventions.github.io/ugrid-conventions/)
Then I probably need to add it to the list of options, hold on :)

Okay I added: NetCDF, CF, and UGRID (they apparently form a hierarchy)

> 6. Are there any requirements/event/? that we as Community project should
>> do during the year?
None, the community program is strictly about building community and
capacity. There are things (OSGeo Live, Sprints) that you can participate
in but nothing mandatory.
OSGeo Committees, and full OSGeo projects are a committee, end up
participating in annual budget discussion and annual general meeting.

Thanks a lot again for your help with setting this up,
Thanks for taking part in our community!

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