[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo AGM 2022 event
Vicky Vergara
vicky at georepublic.de
Fri Jul 22 07:49:33 PDT 2022
The upload link can be found on slide 4.
Hello Community,
I appreciate all the effort you are making to update the slides.
I explicitly added the officer of the committee or project to be
responsible for the slide.
Iit's not compulsory for community projects, local chapters, initiatives,
etc that have something to say, but are welcome to make a report on the AGM,
I did not send a message about modifying the slide.
But if you know a person responsible for a slide, please write a comment on
the slide, like the ones I did. (team work)
Instructions about how we are handling the slides can be found on the
slides 2-4.
I am transcribing here:
Slides marked as skipped:
Contain 2021’s AGM content
Slides not marked as skipped:
Contain 2022’s AGM content
Working process
Edit/Remove/add slide(s) that corresponds to the
Right click on the slide and unmark the “skip slide” to mark it as
usable. (maybe some work is pending, but content is valid for 2022)
Add a comment “work in progress by name” when work has started but some
work is pending.
Audio / Video instructions
All audio/video uploads will be uploaded on the same folder.
Submit your Audio or video with a distinctive name, for example:
Sometimes happens that a second audio/video is submitted, add a number
at the end, for example: conference_committee_1.mpg4
Follow up of the video build will be done through comments on the slide.
See example comment
On the slide note place the link to a high quality logo of the
Allows the use of visual support not included on the slides.
Some seconds will be used to show the AGM slide(s) before the video
starts. (Example: min 36:32
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daXH-fcvrOg?t=36m32s> )
Face only video:
The slides are used for the duration of the audio, but the speaker face is
shown on a corner. (Example: min 32:01
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daXH-fcvrOg?t=32m01s> )
Audio only:
The slides are used on the duration of the audio (example (min 31:07)
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daXH-fcvrOg?t=31m07s> )
Disclaimer: Me, Vicky, do the video with the best of my abilities, I am no
expert on visual arts.
Upload link
Please upload the video/audio in the following link
It is one directory, so prefix the file name with a suitable name, to avoid
On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 12:03 PM Vicky Vergara <vicky at georepublic.de> wrote:
> Hello OSGeo Community!
> We would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) during
> FOSS4G on Friday, August 26 2022 from 15:30h to 17h UTC.
> We are happy to meet you all, face to face, at our global FOSS4G
> conference again.
> For 2022, we are continuing with last year’s concept. We would like to
> publish the OSGeo annual update as a video, in advance of the AGM on the
> OSGeo Youtube channel. This way, we will have time for an open discussion
> during the AGM slot at FOSS4G. Thus, all local chapters, projects,
> committees and initiatives are invited to prepare a short audio or video of 1
> minute to present their status report, updates, COVID-19 impact,
> achievements and future plans.
> [1] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDvJEf8hXbyeVqaYaS8sLvw
> We hope you like the idea! However, you have to get active in advance, so
> please take a close look to the timeline below:
> Timeline
> - 2022-08-08: send us your video and update the AGM slides
> - 2022-08-14: AGM 2022 complete video will be published
> - 2022-08-26: Join the AGM 2022 meeting at FOSS4G 17:30hrs Firenze time
> [2]
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Mis580FlD29HjaymfL9OC72X9IqcM4uvnqVH57jQLqI/edit#slide=id.g13d29ca6724_0_0
> [3]
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2022&month=8&day=26&hour=15&min=30&sec=0&p1=250&p2=26&p3=49&p4=155&p5=217&p6=312&p7=215&p8=240&p9=248&p10=71&p11=176&p12=269
> Your AGM video is going to be one minute of fame and shine for our
> community, so don't let it pass! It is important for all of us to know what
> is happening everywhere. OSGeo is huge and this is the best way to get a
> summary of all the amazing work we are doing!
> Check this wiki page for an overview of the AGM 2022 and for the upload
> link for your video that we will soon provide. In the wiki, you will find
> all the important information, but don’t hesitate to contact us if you have
> any questions.
> If you plan to touch a particular topic, on the face to face meeting,
> please add it to the AGM agenda
> [4] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meeting_2022
> [5] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meeting_2022#AGM_Agenda
> Please, don’t forget to also add your information to the AGM slides, but
> make sure you use only one (or two) slides per team. If you want to edit it
> and still don't have privileges to do so, please let us know and tell us
> which team you represent so we can provide write access.
> Spread the information about the AGM 2022 and save the date!
> We hope to see as many of you at the AGM in August.
> Stay safe,
> Angelos Tzotsos
> President of OSGeo
Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Salzmannstraße 44,
81739 München, Germany
Vicky Vergara
Operations Research
eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
Web: https://georepublic.info
Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
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CEO: Daniel Kastl
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