[OSGeo-Discuss] EU Cyber Resilience Act - potential impacts on open geospatial software?

Adam Steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 14:20:22 PDT 2023

Hi OSGeo

The European Union's proposed Cyber Resilience Act has just come to the
attention of many non-EU folks as a potential dampener on open source
geospatial software development and usage. A summary from GitHub is here
(thanks Marco Bernasocchi for pointing it out):


 It's being discussed in the OSGeo board, and some responses from other
open source organisations have already been made, for example:

It would be great to hear your thoughts on the impact of the proposed
legislation on open source geospatial software development across the
globe  - so we can form an appropriate community response as soon as
possible. What are your thoughts?

Yes, we're late in gettung our attention on to this. Hopefully not too



Dr. Adam Steer
OSGeo director
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