[OSGeo-Discuss] Mailing lists to discourse migration

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Mon Jan 1 07:19:40 PST 2024

On Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 09:56:47AM +0100, Jorge Sanz via Discuss wrote:
> Hi Vicky, allVicky, can you please confirm ...

Just to point out one (only one) of the problems I mentioned in my
previous email about using email over other systems: the mail from
Jorge above arrived to me (and all other subscribers) with a
multipart/mixed Content-Type header. The mixed content was:

  1. A multipart/alternative content (created by Jorge Mail User Agent, I guess)
  2. A text/plain signature (this was added by Mailman)

The content created by Jorge's MUA (multipart/alternative) had 2
alternatively formatted emails:

  1.1. Formatted as text/plain, quoted, utf-8, 10K
  1.2. Formatted as text/html, quoted, utf-8, 24K

My mail software is configured to prefer the text/plain flavor, in
these cases, so that's how I read the email. BUT the email is
formatted in an horrible way (to my taste?): the mail body is a single
line with 5178 characters, according to wl(1):

   1  803 5178

The HTML version is somewhat more readbable but a question arises:
should Mailman "clean up" the mails received before bouncing them
to all subscribers ? But the bigger question is: WHO (among the
OSGeo members) would be partecipating in such a discussion ? And
what's an effective place to discuss about it ? Also: would picking
a different technology ("Discourse", in this case) facilitate these
choices ?


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