[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Europe 2024 live stream

Vincent Picavet vincent.ml at oslandia.com
Tue Jul 2 11:22:04 PDT 2024


This really is a great news ! Let me applaud an initiative that we should see for every FOSS4G and other international conferences.

Living in a world facing the major human crisis with climate change, any effort allowing both carbon emission reduction *and* knowledge dissemination is much welcome.

Also, live streaming has a strong impact on knowledge transfer to all GIS people not having a chance to attend a conference due to economic reasons or other issues. Spreading the opensource vision and knowledge is one of the main goal of OSGeo, and this is the way to go.

Therefore, again a round of applause for this, and a big thank you to all who allowed this to see light.

Best regards,


On 02/07/2024 17:07, Tõnis Kärdi via Discuss wrote:
> Dear OSGeo community,
> I'm very happy to report that FOSS4G Europe 2024 will be live tomorrow morning from 9:00 AM (Tallinn/Estonia timezone, UTC +3h) and you can follow us along if you are interested in the presentations. The live stream can be accessed via the conference homepage at [1]
> The full schedule for the conference is available at [2]
> This has been made possible by the invaluable help from our gold sponsors: Geocat, QFieldCloud, LAStools LiDAR Processing - rapidlasso GmbH, and the EC Destination Earth initiative.
> All the best and "see you" soon,
> Tõnis Kärdi
> FOSS4G Europe 2024 chair
> [1] - https://2024.europe.foss4g.org/
> [2] - https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-europe-2024/schedule/#

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