[OSGeo-Discuss] Is OSGeo presence on ${one-letter-asocial-media} still desirable?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Jan 21 03:27:43 PST 2025

ok, so now the owner of that platform considers it is fine to make Nazi 
salutes in front of the whole world. I do *really* think OSGeo should 
stop any activity on that platform and remove all mentions of it.



Le 12/01/2025 à 15:27, Even Rouault via Discuss a écrit :
> Hi,
> I no longer login on my account, so I'm not sure if OSGeo accounts are 
> still in active use, but I still see them mentioned at 
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/News_Queue#Twitter
> This could be a controversial subject, but it should rather not be, as 
> the media and its owner have become I believe totally at odds with 
> OSGeo values. I believe it would be appropriate for OSGeo to cease any 
> activity if there's still any (I could understand they are kept 
> inactive to avoid cyber squatting), and publicity, for that platform. 
> At least we have done that as far as GDAL, PROJ and MapServer are 
> concerned.
> Even
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