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<p class="western" style="">I have been tasked as
part of the Pacific Islands IOSN Node (<a href="http://www.iosn.net/">www.iosn.net</a>)
to organise the writing of a FOSS GIS/RS Primer. Several primers have
been already written on various subjects, like FOSS and education,
FOSS and Licensing and FOSS and Gender
(<a href="http://www.iosn.net/publications/foss-primers">http://www.iosn.net/publications/foss-primers</a>).
The IOSN is principally driven by the Asia Pacific Development
Information Programme (<a href="http://www.apdip.net">www.apdip.net</a>).</p>
<p class="western" style="">The purpose of a
primer is to raise awareness of FOSS for managers and technicians
which have not been exposed or little exposed to FOSS. This is not a
technical manual but rather a guide on the issues with FOSS in a
particular area.</p>
<p class="western" style="">I have thought that
the primer should be divided in the following chapters, each one
covering a theme:</p>
<ul><li><p class="western" style="">Geographic
        Information Systems (QGIS, JUMP, Udig, ...)</p>
        </li><li><p class="western" style="">Remote Sensing
        (GRASS, Idrisi, ...)
        </li><li><p class="western" style="">Web Mapping and
        Publishing (Mapserver, CartoWeb, Tikiwiki, GMT, ...)</p>
        </li><li><p class="western" style="">Global
        Positioning Systems (gpsd, mapdecode, ...)</p>
        </li><li><p class="western" style="">Migrating from
        non FOSS and interaction with non FOSS (gdal, ogr, ...)</p>
<p class="western" style="">There would be a
summary chapter preceding all the themes to provide a kind of
executive summary on the status of FOSS. I put in brackets, some
examples of applications that should be covered to give some
<p class="western" style="">I have a budget, which
would provide around USD500 per author of each theme+summary as
compensation for their efforts.</p>
<p class="western" style="">I have discussed this
proposal with OSGeo Director and the OSGeo EDU chairman which support
the idea of working together on this initiative.</p>
<p class="western" style="">I'm looking from the
OSGeo community 5 authors from the Asia Pacific region by preference
(leaving there or from there originally) who would like to work on a
theme (ten A5 pages each, see previous primers).</p>
<p class="western" style="">The draft Primer will
be submitted to the OSGeo for comments and corrections and each
author would correct his/her part, then a draft will be submitted to
APDIP (<a href="http://www.apdip.net/">www.apdip.net</a>) for review
and comments and finally a public review will be organised by APDIP.
At this stage the manuscript will be put in a final layout and
authors will check it. The final layout will then be published.</p>
<p class="western" style="">The OSGeo foundation
as well as the other organisations participating in this exercise
will be duly recognised on the primer. I will try to secure some
forewords by major contributor of the GIS/RS FOSS community.</p>
<p class="western" style="">All primers are
published under the Creative Commons license, so OSGeo and the
authors will be able to reuse the text for their own means.</p>
<p class="western" style="">Needless to say that
this exercise will bring karma points to the Authors and
Organisations participating in this exercise. The primers are quite
successful and widely distributed by APDIP.</p>
<p class="western" style="">To start with, I'd
like some comments on the organisation of the primer (5 themes max)
and I would like that authors indicate to me their interest in
tackling a particular theme, please submit references of your work in
the FOSS GIS/RS community and a short resume about yourself.</p>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br>Franck Martin<br><a href="mailto:franck.martin@gmail.com">franck.martin@gmail.com</a><br>"Toute connaissance est une réponse à une question"
<br>G. Bachelard