<div>Hi All,</div> <div>reading loation from a text file and locating them on a GIS </div> <div>can be accomplished by</div> <div>OpenJUMP</div> <div>Qgis</div> <div>or for that matter any Open Source GIS..</div> <div>But the best is GRASS..</div> <div> </div> <div>How ever If one wishes that Locations to be picked up from various kinds of text inputs</div> <div>(news on internet) and attached to their locations, this will be a nice Research and development. Some food for thought..</div> <div> </div> <div>Data mine --> To Isolate locations</div> <div>--> Attach corresponding Lat Longs to these</div> <div>--> Input to an Open Source GIS</div> <div> </div> <div>Ravi Kumar</div><p> 
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