please unsubscribe me from this group<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:20:52 +0100 OSGeo Discussions wrote<br />Please, could we keep that thread up and running with news please?<br />Also doubts and issues are welcome to understand what the overall feeling is.<br />We added two people and by tomorrow we could have a third added and confirmed.<br /><br />My experience from the last sprint was that the tentative subscription<br />is a fuzzy one and is only big pain for the organizers. I know that it<br />is hard to decide so much time ago, but organizers should not be<br />charged for it.<br /><br />> Does anyone know what's the best (cheapest) option to get to Bolsena<br />> by train or bus from directions like Germany (Berlin),<br />> Czech Republic (Prague) or - would be best - Poland (Warsaw)?<br />> Any tested traveling options?<br />><br />> Perhaps there someone is going to travel by car from Germany or Czech<br />> Republic, and has 1-2 free sits. Certainly, I'll share costs.<br /><br />I could give you a lift from the north of Italy :) Also two could fit<br />if we stay all very close to each other :)<br /><br />Ciao<br />Andrea<br /><br /><br />><br />> Cheers<br />> --<br />> Mateusz Loskot<br />><br />><br />> _______________________________________________<br />> Discuss mailing list<br />><br />><br />><br />_______________________________________________<br />Discuss mailing list<br /><br /><br /><br><Table border=0 Width=644 Height=57 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;line-height:15px;'><TR><td><a href='' target=new ><img src ='' alt='Times Job change' border=0></a></td></TR></Table>