WRT "<span lang="en-ca"><font size="2" face="Arial"> ... the language battle ...</font></span>": Let me plead my case here for including PHP, not at all on the basis of the language's inherent merits, but rather in helping gain the widest possible interest, including a selfish motive.<br>
<br>Of the users of the OSS CAD package we''ve put out there, a fair proportion have limited tech chops and have installed a web server pack (often WAMP/LAMP/MAMP) for the first time. We've worked at limiting the stack height for their benefit, since these folks aren't cartographers or researchers. I want to move from the current GMaps base to OSGeo, and the implementation language issue will be a significant one in our doing so.<br>
<br>Thanks all,<br><br>AS<br>