<p>Folks, I like the structured comparison approach that Cameron outlined. Also equally (or perhaps more useful) would be to put together a wiki page with goals and benchmarks based on ArcGIS 9.3. And then indicate where the os packages compare. This would provide us with the ability to answer the most important question which is "can this do what the proprietary software does." For example, we could post a couple of maps made in AG and then challenge each desktop team to create and upload the same maps. Etc. I have a line shapefile with 200 shapes. We could upload it and have everyone do some timing to show how fast to load,pan, etc on the data. This could also serve as a way for some of the teams to see their own deficiencies and find critical tasks to work on (they could then update their reporting on the wiki and indicate the version number)... - Dan</p>
<p><blockquote type="cite">On Dec 20, 2009 4:40 PM, "Maxim Dubinin" <<a href="mailto:sim@gis-lab.info">sim@gis-lab.info</a>> wrote:<br><br>
<span style="font-family:'default';font-size:9pt">Simon,<br>
I was merely suggesting an approach. As I said, we didn't have a goal to inform other what Desktop GIS is the best, we just wanted to present a model dataset for many different packages, so that a person can try and choose by himself. <br>
However, there are some notes for each package at the bottom of the page. Personally, I have a favorite, of course, but I don't think this is appropriate to describe it here. That said, I think this will be relatively easy to construct a matrix based on our experience with missing bits for this particular task. We're currently going through updating software and this project and will discuss this among participants.<br>
<span style="font-family:'arial';font-size:8pt;color:#c0c0c0"><i>Вы писали 20 декабря 2009 г., 16:52:06:<br>
</i></span></span><p><font color="#500050">
I looked at the webpage but could not find an outcome -- which system worked the best?
Chee...</font></p><span style="font-family:'default';font-size:9pt"><p><font color="#500050">
Sometime ago, we were also interested in why are there so many desktop open GIS packages. So what w...</font></p>_______________________________________________
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