Dear readers and fossgis worldwide community,<br><br>Itæ„€ a great pleasure to announce that the FOSSGIS Brasil Magazine #03 is launched. In
this issue #03 we talk about the situation of free and opensource
geotechnologies in Brazil, specially concerning the reasons to use,
challenges of incorporating it to public institutions and tips to
guarantee a smooth migration. Also, there is a brief report about
Portugal and what has been done with FOSSGIS in this country.<br><br>Still
about public policies and government, we talk about the "i3Geo"
software applied to public management. "i3Geo" is a brazilian opensource
software created inside the brazilian Environment Ministry by developer
Edmar Moretti, which is also the interviewee of our 3rd edition, where
he talks more about this great tool.<br><br>In addiction, you can know
more about the ILWIS project, a former proprietary Desktop GIS, which is
now a healthy opensource project; and about GISVM, a GIS virtual
machine.<br><br>Besides others, be sure to read papers about GeoMajas
and MapServer projects; the article about using the WPS standard
together with OpenLayers; and the new section about "breaking taboos:
FOSS Software can also do it"<br><br>You are able to download this issue accessing:<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><div>
We hope that you all like it and our team will be happy to receive your
feedback about it. Your comments and suggestions are fundamental to us
and our work.<br><br>
The FOSSGIS Brasil team</div><div><a href=""></a></div>