<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi dear OSGeo members,<br><br>We are pleased to announce that the testing OSGeoLive translation on Transifex is over and that it is now fully active.<br><br>We would like to thanks to all the translators who helped us testing it.<br><br>Now
we can translate OSGeoLive safely. So we are calling for translators to
help us translating, but not only ! Please join us there [1].<br><br>We
also need reviewers and coordinators for most languages, please
contact Nicolas at first if you want to volunteer for those positions.</div><div>A lot of languages are enough advanced (French, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian) to start reviewing already.<br></div><br>Once again thanks to all the people helping translate the OSGeoLive project. <br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Vicky Vergara and Nicolas Roelandt<br><br>for the OSGeo-Live translation team<br><br>[1] <a href="https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive/">https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive/</a></div>