[DotNet-OSGeo] Re: Working towards a System.Spatial library... and Please vote on a logo...

Felix Obermaier Felix.Obermaier at netcologne.de
Thu Jul 8 05:55:22 EDT 2010

Hello Dan,

first I'd like to thank you for your efforts towards  

You asked for volunteers for the steering committee, and explicitly  
named SharpMap/NetTopologySuite developers. Me beeing one of those  
would like to suggest:

- John Diss
   Long term coordinator on SharpMap/NetTopologySuite. Has done most of
   the work for SharpMap v2 updateable Database providers, and -if I'm
   correct- has done the Web side of SharpMap v2. Besides that, he has
   deep knowledge on the OGC specs. You may have read his 'random thoughts'

- Paul den Dulk
   Long Term SharpMap developer (currently working on a Silverlight post)
   and coordinator of the Brutile (awesome) and MapsUI libraries.

Both have indicated that they are willing to volunteer. You can  
contact them via
their codeplex account.


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