[Dutch] Updates about the Open Source GIS Conferentie 2012 in The Netherlands

Paul Meems p.meems op topx-group.nl
Vr Jun 29 14:20:53 PDT 2012

Hello participants and friends of the Open Source GIS Conference,

It's been a good 4-day conference with lots of interesting
presentations and workshops.
And of course we had the opportunity to meet people in real-life you
might only have met on-line.

Dr. Dan Ames gave me the credits for organizing this conference in his
welcome speech on Monday. He was going to rectify it on Thursday but
didn't got the change to do so.
I want to thank the people from Alumni association VVA-Larenstein and
from VanHall-Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. Without their
help we wouldn't had a conference.
I specially want to thank Marleen Jacobs, she did at least 50% of all
the work. She organized the location, the catering, the Exchange and
the registration for all 4 days (this includes the OSGeo.nl-day).
And Jack Schoenmakers who took care of the virtual machines that were
used during all workshops. It took him several days and evenings
before everything worked as it should.

I also want to thank all presenters and keynote speakers and the ones
that gave the workshop. They were all very interesting. And of course
I want to thank the attendees (that's you ;)) and the sponsors.

On Monday all presentations were professionally recorded by H2Video
(www.h2video.nl). A big thanks to Stefan Flos and his crew. The videos
are available on-line at this address:
The videos are free to watch, but you need to register so we can count
how many people have watched them.

The presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday were recorded by myself. I
have not yet watched them but I'll put them on YouTube next week.
I also would like to ask the English presenters to send me their
presentation so I can add them on the website. You can send me the
file or you can upload it to SlideShare (http://www.slideshare.net/)
and send me the link.

I understood the OSGeo.nl day on Thursday was also a great success.
Over 130 people attended the two tracks. They really benefited a lot
of all the work Marleen en Jack did. I hope the OSGeo.nl attendees
will give Marleen and Jack the credits they deserve.

Next week I'll send out another mail containing the links to the
YouTube video and the presentations and we will also send a list with
contact details of all the attendees.
We will also create a short questionnaire about the conference so we
can improve next years conference.

If you would like to receive a certificate for attending the
conference you can send me your home/work/university address and I'll
mail it to you.

Next year we will go to a different country. If anybody of you think
your university/company might be interested in hosting the conference
mail me.

I hope you all had as much of a good time during the conference and
the off-conference meetings/diners as I did. 
For the people that couldn't come after all I hope you can meet us
next year.

Next week I'll update the participants list because we had a lot of
last minute attendees and a few people that didn't show up.

If you want to read the tweets about the conference you can use these
two links: 
https://twitter.com/search/mwconference and
You don't need a Twitter account to read them.

I've also made a Google Photo Album at

Thanks and I hope we keep in touch,

Paul Meems
Project manager 'International Open Source GIS Conference 2012'

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