[Dutch] Leuke workshop
b.j.kobben op utwente.nl
b.j.kobben op utwente.nl
Vr Feb 1 07:51:39 PST 2013
Zie onder: PDOK-achtige dingen en andere karteringen van Nederlandse Open
Data zouden hier denk ik heel goed passen. 't is in Leuven, dus niet ver
weg en lekker bier!
Dear all,
We invite you to attend and/or send in an extended abstract for the
Workshop "Web Cartography for National SDIs", held in conjunction with
the AGILE conference on Geographic Information Science, 14-17 May 2013,
Leuven, Belgium.
Workshop on
Web Cartography for National SDIs
(Leuven, Belgium - May 14, 2013)
About the workshop
Full information about the workshop can be found at the workshop web site:
Below is a summary of that information:
The workshop will focus on the visualisation issues and especially on
issues related to combination of different web services. The reason for
this is that the benefits from the ongoing SDI developments cannot be
fully utilized without a better understanding on how to make efficient and
easy to read combinations of web services from different sources.
A first EuroSDR/ISPRS/ICA workshop on this topic was organized in May,
2011 in Lund, Sweden.
We invite extended abstracts for presentations that fit the theme
described above. To meet the objectives of the workshop (i.e. gain
understanding of requirements and solutions today of handling cartographic
aspects in Web services as well as identify open research topics), we
encourage people to submit an extended abstract reporting on (ongoing)
research or projects on the topics mentioned above. Extended abstracts
must be written in English. The maximum length is restricted to 5 pages,
including all figures and references. Submission details are on the
All accepted extended abstracts and the resulting presentations will be
published on the workshop site, together with a workshop report, which
also will be available via EuroSDRıs homepage. Furthermore, the organisers
of the workshop intend to invite selected authors to join in the writing
of a position paper, to be submitted to a relevant journal or conference.
Important dates
1 March, 2013: Deadline for submission of extended abstracts for
1 April, 2013: Notification of acceptance; Second announcement, including
detailed program
14 May: Workshop will start at 09:00 and be finalized at 18:00, and
coffe/tea and lunch is included.
If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact the
Lars Harrie, (lars.harrie op nateko.lu.se)
Barend Köbben (b.j.kobben op utwente.nl || kobben op itc.nl)
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