[Dutch] OGRS2016 symposium

b.j.kobben op utwente.nl b.j.kobben op utwente.nl
Wo Jan 20 02:16:39 PST 2016

FYI, excuses for possible x-posting,


We are excited about hosting the symposium
Open Source Geospatial Research & Education
October 12-14, 2016, Perugia - Italy

We hope to make the event fruitful for the open source geospatial

As you can see from the website we have tried to favor the participation
to the conference by means of two different strategies:
* the first one is to maintain low the registration fees
( http://2016.ogrs-community.org/registration )
* the second one is to allow the publication of the contributions in a
special issue of the PeerJ Computer Science Journal
( http://2016.ogrs-community.org/submission-of-short-papers )

The registration to the conference is still not open, but now we are in
the phase (http://2016.ogrs-community.org/importantdates) where
proposals for "Session and Workshops" (according to the following
http://2016.ogrs-community.org/call-for-sessions-and-workshops ) are

With the present e-mail, we are kindly encouraging you to disseminate
the event exploiting all the possible communication instruments and
using, if possible, the following hashtag when posting on the social
media:  #OGRS2016 .

Moreover we think that some of you may also be interested in presenting
a proposal for a specific workshop or session. That would be really

I also invite all of you to let me know possible ideas for promoting the
event, as well as any suggestion regarding possible key-note speakers.
Please consider that we also have a Facebook event page where people can
declare their participation or simply express their interest for the
symposium: https://www.facebook.com/events/1616673068597679/

We are confident to encounter most of you during the symposium in
Perugia, where, behind the symposium, you will discover an attractive
town ( http://turismo.comune.perugia.it/ ) and a ³sweet² international
exibition ( http://www.eurochocolate.com/perugia2016/ ).
We wish you a fantastic new year.

Best regards

On behalf of the steering group
Ivan Marchesini

Ivan Marchesini
Via della Madonna Alta 126
06128, Perugia

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