[Dutch] Fwd: [Local-chapters] OS conference platform

Just van den Broecke just op justobjects.nl
Ma Feb 10 02:22:07 PST 2020

Ja is al eens ter sprake gekomen op bestuursvergadering.

Ik ben er voor. Onze laatste 2 FOSS4G-NLs was toch veel handwerk voor 
m.n. website en de eerste OSGeoNL-Dagen zie ik ons nog het Programma 

Frab wordt bijv door FOSSGIS DE (DACH) gebruikt, Pretalx door oa FOSS4G.
In Bukarest was toch al een mobiele app?

Maar het is denk ik nu vooral belangrijk de geplende FOSS4G-NL 2020 te 
gaan doen leven. De tools maken een aantal zaken gemakkelijker daarbij.

Met vriendelijke groet,


On 09-02-20 11:23, Gert-Jan van der Weijden wrote:
> Zie onderstaande.
> Klinkt als een mooie basis-evenement-infrastructuur die we in NL ook 
> ambiëren (om foss4g.nl, foss4g-eur, etc.) simpel te kunnen organiseren?:
> - pretalx: programma
> - frab: programma
> - pretix: tickets
> - engelsystem: coordinatie van vrijwilligers
> - eventfahrplan: conferentiebezoekers-app
> De moeite waard om dit in NL op te zetten?
> groet,
> GJ
> -------- Doorgestuurd bericht --------
> Onderwerp: 	[Local-chapters] OS conference platform
> Datum: 	Sat, 8 Feb 2020 13:42:37 +0100
> Van: 	Tobias Preuss <tobias.preuss+osgeo op googlemail.com>
> Aan: 	local-chapters op lists.osgeo.org
> Hello.
> I am Tobias Preuss - a software developer and occasional OpenStreetMap
> editor - living in Berlin, Germany.
> At FOSDEM 2020 in Brussels I met María Arias de Reyna who kindly
> invited me to join the discussion about the conference software
> infrastructure for FOSS4G events on this mailing list. María also
> introduced me to Paul Ramsey - we had a short email communication
> up-front with regards to the mentioned topic.
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2019 at 01:33, John Bryant <johnwbryant op gmail.com> wrote:
>> At the code sprint, Volker showed me a mobile schedule app that integrates nicely with Pretalx. Seems like it would have potential for FOSS4G SotM Oceania, since we already use Pretalx. If there were an OSGeo instance of Pretalx (hosted by Pretalx or otherwise) we would probably benefit from using it locally, and might be in a position to help with development efforts.
>> Whether we actually use it would depend on whichever team is actually organising our conference next year, but from my perspective it seems like a win for local/regional events.
> I have not contacted Volker yet but I know that he picked up the
> mobile app "EventFahrplan" [1] which I am developing when he attended
> FOSS4G 2019 in Bucharest. To give you a bit of context please let me
> explain which project I am referring to.
> The project "EventFahrplan" is a mobile app for Android smartphones
> and tablets (screenshot [2]) which I develop since 2013 in my free
> time. It has it's origins at the Chaos Communication Congress [3] -
> the largest hacker conference in Europe (2019, 17k visitors). The app
> has proven to be an important and reliable part of the conference
> infrastructure over many years. Shortly after I joined the project I
> decided that the app deserves to be used at more than an annual event.
> In the following I rewrote the project so it can be customized for
> other events. For example, in the 2019 I was assigned to prepare and
> publish the app for 12 different events throughout the year. I do have
> a lot of experience through running the app at various events over
> several years.
> The app neatly integrates with the conference software infrastructure
> which is used at conferences of the Chaos Computer Club [4] and
> related events. They use Pretalx [5] and Frab [6] as the conference
> program system. The app has been adapted to other system, too. For
> ticketing Pretix [7] is used. Many events rely on voluntary work which
> is coordinated by Engelsystem [8]. To assist the work of volunteers
> the app offers an integration with this system, too. At larger events,
> the indoor navigation project c3nav [9] guides visitors around the
> location. Navigation options are directly available within the app.
> The app is translated into multiple languages (Dutch, English, French,
> German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) and can be extended
> with even more.
> As mentioned before, the app can be visually customized to the look
> and feel of the particular conference.
> Apart from all these features the main purpose of the app is to
> provide a pleasant experience to visitors of the event by letting them
> read the conference program on their device. The main screen is a grid
> layout which allows to intuitively understand which sessions take
> place in parallel and to plan personal schedules accordingly. To do so
> users can pick their favorites, schedule alarms and export session
> into a calendar app. The app automatically loads program updates from
> the backend API and presents changes to the user. If supported by the
> backend users can give feedback on each session and rate it.
> Individual sessions can be shared via social media, the list of
> favorites can exported.
> Last but not least, the app works fully offline which is convenient
> when arriving by plane or in case of WIFI outage at the conference.
> If you managed to read down till here: Thank you!
> I can share more information about the conference tools if you wish to.
> For the moment please think about my proposal of running the app at
> FOSS4G events.
> Please reach out to me here or in private - I will try to answer your
> questions to my best knowledge and as soon as possible.
> All the best.
> Tobias
> ___
> [1] https://github.com/EventFahrplan/EventFahrplan
> [2] 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EventFahrplan/EventFahrplan/master/gfx/EventFahrplan-36c3-Events-Tablet-Phone.png
> [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Communication_Congress
> [4] https://www.ccc.de/en/
> [5] https://pretalx.com
> [6] https://frab.github.io/frab/
> [7] https://pretix.eu/about/en/
> [8] https://engelsystem.de/index_en.php
> [9] https://github.com/c3nav
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