svn commit: r39 - trunk/www

punkish at punkish at
Sun Jul 9 12:51:37 EDT 2006

Author: punkish
Date: 2006-07-09 16:51:37+0000
New Revision: 39



Modified: trunk/www/meetings.html
--- trunk/www/meetings.html	(original)
+++ trunk/www/meetings.html	2006-07-09 16:51:37+0000
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
 		<title>Education Committee: Meetings</title>
-  <h1>Meeting minutes</h1>
+  <h1>Meeting minutes (last first order)</h1>
-    <li><a HREF="minutes_04_13_2006.html" TITLE="meeting minutes">April 13, 2006</a></li>
+    <li><a HREF="minutes_07_07_2006.html" TITLE="meeting minutes">Jul 07, 2006</a></li>
+    <li><a HREF="minutes_06_09_2006.html" TITLE="meeting minutes">Jun 09, 2006</a></li>
     <li><a HREF="minutes_05_12_2006.html" TITLE="meeting minutes">May 12, 2006</a></li>
+    <li><a HREF="minutes_04_13_2006.html" TITLE="meeting minutes">Apr 13, 2006</a></li>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/www/minutes_06_09_2006.html
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/www/minutes_06_09_2006.html	2006-07-09 16:51:37+0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+On June 9, 2006, at 8:00 am GMT-6, pursuant to notice duly given, the Education 
+and Curriculum Committee (the "Committee") of the Open Source Geospatial 
+Foundation (the "Foundation" or "OSGeo") held a meeting by Internet Relay Chat 
+(#osgeo on 
+Present at the meeting were the following members of the "Committee": 
+  Helena Mitasova
+  Ari Jolma
+  Tyler Mitchell
+  Perry Nacionales
+  Markus Neteler
+  Puneet Kishor
+  Venkatesh Raghavan
+  Charlie Schweik
+Additionally, several other's were observing/"lurking" as usual. The meeting was 
+called to order. The following major items were discussed --
+1. <b>Dealing with course material:</b> Charlie Schweik wanted to know how to 
+get material into MediaWiki as he would like to keep some contol over it for his  
+online courses. Currently, he uses a wiki, but would like to allow new 
+derivative works albeit with some kind of peer review. Tyler thought that 
+getting at least 4-5 other folks to commit to peer reviewing material would be 
+helpful. It was suggested that Charlie keep a canonical version under his own 
+control, and let a public version be on the wiki. Alternatively, he could just 
+put a link on the wiki to point to his version, without forking versions. 
+Creative Commons was suggested as the licensing regime under which to publish 
+any tutorial work.
+2. <b>Conferences:</b> Puneet announced that the North American Cartographic 
+Information Society (NACIS) convention will be held in Madison, WI, in October. 
+He hopes to get Tyler's brochures for that. Maybe have an official-ish edu booth 
+there. Perry also wanted to use the brochures for a conference he will be 
+attending in July.
+3. <b>Calendar:</b> Puneet presented his "personal" conferences calendar. Use any 
+iCal-compliant program to access <a href=""></a>.
+4. <b>Brochure:</b> Tyler has been working hard on the brochure for the 
+Where 2.0 conference. Discussion was held on the brochure, and members provided 
+useful feedback to Tyler. Specifically, more graphics showing FOSSGIS tools were 
+desired. Puneet decided to send out a RFG (request for graphics!) on the 
+discussion list. On Charlie's feedback, Puneet decided to make the edu webpage 
+more easy to allow joining the committee or subscribing to the list. Tyler 
+expressed the need for Flash-based demos such as provided by QGIS.
+The next meeting was set for 8:00 am GMT-6, Friday, July 7, 2006 via IRC.

Added: trunk/www/minutes_07_07_2006.html
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/www/minutes_07_07_2006.html	2006-07-09 16:51:37+0000
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+On July 7, 2006, at 8:00 am GMT-6, pursuant to notice duly given, the Education 
+and Curriculum Committee (the "Committee") of the Open Source Geospatial 
+Foundation (the "Foundation" or "OSGeo") held a meeting by Internet Relay Chat 
+(#osgeo on 
+Present at the meeting were the following members of the "Committee": 
+  Perry Nacionales
+  Markus Neteler
+  Puneet Kishor
+  Venkatesh Raghavan
+  Jazon
+  Aaron Racicot
+  Gary Watry
+  Allan Doyle
+  crschmidt
+  Ned Horning
+Additionally, several other's were observing/"lurking" as usual. The meeting was 
+called to order. The following major items were discussed --
+1. <b>Calendars:</b> Markus pointed out that there were now two calendars for 
+edu meetings, and wanted to confirm which calendar to watch. Puneet is going to 
+keep both calendars for now, but since his personal calendar is much easier to 
+update and administer than the OSGeo calendar (because of security permissions), 
+he will publicize the personal calendar.
+  <>OSGeo calendar</a>
+  <a href="">Puneet's personal calendar</a>.
+2. <b>Where 2.0 Conference Report:</b> Aaron Racicot reported his perspective 
+from the recent Where 2.0 conference that he attended. There was quite a bit of 
+attendance at the booth with a lot of folks wearing OSGeo shirts. People who had 
+never heard of OSGeo were a bit confused as to our relationship to OGC. Most 
+people just wanted to hear about the big projects. Turnout was pretty great for 
+the talks as well, one on GRASS, Mapbender, Worldwind, Mapguide, GDAL, etc. 
+crschmidt mentioned that the Mapbender+Geoserver's talk was very informative, 
+light, quick, to the point, and a much better demonstration of OGC tech than OGC 
+was able to put together in his opinion. Puneet asked if one could get a sense 
+of what kind of unmet desire for osgeo course material/edu type packages is out 
+there? were there folks lamenting the lack of such things? Racicot did not 
+notice a big "outcry" for more edu materials at the conference, as most people 
+there where looking specifically at technology ( i.e. they were already GIS/Web 
+professionals ). Most of the people he met from education were actually grad 
+students using GIS in their thesis work. adoyle emphasized that it is key to 
+educate the students about FOSSGIS so they will demand it when they graduate. 
+Puneet wondered if a survey targeting geospatial profs. and lecturers ( esp. 
+those NOT currently involved with FOSSGIS ) would be helpful? Should this be 
+undertaken as a research project? Raghavan asked if there were any comments 
+about OSGeo from the OGC guys who attend Where2.0? adoyle spoke to Louis Hecht 
+(OGC bus. development guy). Louis Hecht said Where2.0 really opened his eyes. 
+Apparently he's never seen anything like it, not a world he's been exposed to.
+<b>Other conferences:</b> Gary_Watry mentioned thatAuburn University is willing 
+to set up a Open Source track/workshop at their Symposium Oct 31- Nov 1.
+Aaron mentioned that he will be at the OSCON conference at the end of the month 
+and will be manning the OSGeo booth and giving at talk on OSGeo software at one 
+of the sessions. He welcomed any ideas on forwarding the Edu cause.
+Perry will be giving a workshop at the Federation of Earth Science Information 
+Partners (ESIP) <a href="">meeting</a> in a couple of 
+weeks and would like to take some of the brochures that Tyler had at Where 2.0
+3. <b>Get-togethers:</b> Jazon wanted ideas on how to organize seminars on open 
+source gis. Specifically, he wanted to know of anyone in the Liverpool area who 
+would be interested in giving a talk. Perry suggested announcing the request on 
+the discussion list.
+Racicot mentioned Portland State University as having a once monthly 
+gathering at the university to talk about OSGIS. 
+Puneet pointed out an informal gathering of osgeo types in Madison, WI. 
+Racicot suggested that the best way he has been able to penetrate the 
+educational area is to volunteer to go and give a talk personally, and once the 
+word gets out the faculty with an open mind ( or curiosity ) toward OSGIS will 
+come and ask. He would like a collection of material together so he is not 
+giving the same type of talk all the time -- especially, pre-canned templates 
+for presentations/lectures would be very important. Puneet suggested the use of 
+<a href="">S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System</a> for 
+creating presentation templates. 
+Perry mentioned that he used to do what Aaron suggested, but without any classes 
+that specifically use OSGeo software, it's hard to get people's attention. The 
+U of Minnesota is a big ESRI shop. 
+Gary_Watry mentioned that the new Geography Department Head at FSU is into Open 
+Source, so he is setting up meeting to explore including open source in his 
+course work both in lab and classroom.
+<b>Books:</b> Raghavan said that it is difficult to promote GIS at the Univ. 
+without having regular text book. Tyler's Web Mapping recently translated to 
+Japanese is the only OSGeo related book available in local language. He said 
+that <b>Text book 1: Intro to Open Source Geopatial Software</b> is badly needed. 
+Aaron thought that a bigger problem with a book that covers the whole "osgis" 
+space is that the technology changes so rapidly. While this is good for the 
+author and his/her ability to write new additions, it is not good for the 
+prospect of using the book. Targeted books like the GRASS book are great for 
+covering very stable long term projects, but projects such as OpenLayers are so 
+new that they would not be in a base book released last year. Markus emphasized 
+that the GRASS book is even more than a manual, it covers concepts and methods 
+as well. 
+Perry brought attention to EOGEO-hosted <a href="">FreeGISBook.</a> 
+adoyle said that he would like to move it to the OSGeo wiki under a CC license, 
+and wanted to know if there was support for such a move. Perry, Raghavan, and 
+Puneet expressed support for such a move. FrankW also supported such a move, and 
+suggested that it become an edu committee project. Markus wanted to know if the 
+book go to the osgeo wiki or to FrankW thought that we need 
+to demonstrate our ability to flesh out quality content. Puneet offered to set 
+up a FreeGISBook committee link on the edu wiki.
+<b>Journal and Newsletter:</b> An OSGeo Journal was suggested and seconded by 
+a few members. adoyle expressed a need for "packaged" articles that don't change 
+(Journal) as well as "live" stuff that does change (wiki). adoyle also expressed 
+a need for peer-reviewed articles. He suggested that with a good rating system, 
+the journal could be considered peer reviewed. Aaron supported that as it would 
+provide legitimacy in the educational committee. Ned Horning liked idea of a 
+journal but suggested that maybe it's better to start with the newsletter and 
+let it evolve if that makes sense. There is no shortage of peer reviewed geo 
+journals for people who want to publish. 
+Racicot supported getting work into the established journals. But Raghavan 
+mentioned that there is a shortage of peer-reviewed journals under the CC 
+license, especially those available in other parts of the world other than North 
+American and Japan. FrankW said that he supported making material accessable to 
+less well resourced academic environments. He thought it would be nice to 
+produce journal articles that are web viewable, rather than just on paper ( so 
+we can maximize the use of them ).
+Puneet wondered if our efforts be better spent "negotiating" with the 
+established journals some kind of more open access for the less well resourced 
+parts of the world? Instead of forking our own journal.
+Ned said that having a quality newsletter gets content out to the world and it's 
+doable in the near term. Starting a peer reviewed CC journal is a great idea but 
+it is a lot of work. I just think that that starting a good newsletter is more 
+appropriate for where we are at this time.
+Aaron suggested we try to do this all three fronts... Institutional journals, 
+our own "e-journal" or newsletter, and a wiki for the more up-to-date stuff 
+people are working on and presenting. Racicot said that most educational 
+institutions have access to every journal out there, and we are talking about 
+getting OSGIS seen as more recognised in the edu community. Perry said there's 
+no reason not to continue publishing on more recognized journals. Gary_Watry 
+offered to help on the journal if there were one to be established.
+Raghavan mentioned that the OSGeo newsletter (under VisCom) is looking for 
+contributions. Markus said that the GRASS newletter team is not bringing out the 
+OSGeo newsletter, but can donate 4 articles.
+The next meeting was set for 8:00 am GMT-6, Friday, August 11, 2006 via IRC.

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