[OSGeo-Edu] proposed meeting Apr 11

Gary Watry watry at coaps.fsu.edu
Fri Apr 7 09:02:12 EDT 2006

That is 1:00 AM on the east coast, I will probable skip this one and read
the logs later

Gary L. Watry

GIS Coordinator
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Johnson Building, RM 215
2035 East Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840
E-Mail: watry at coaps.fsu.edu

		-----Original Message-----
		From: Ned Horning [mailto:horning at amnh.org] 
		Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 8:50 AM
		To: discuss at edu.osgeo.org
		Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Edu] proposed meeting Apr 11


		Here is a link to the meeting time for varied time zones:
		edu.osgeo meeting time around the world

		From your note I'm assuming the meeting time is Wednesday
the 12th at 5:00 GMT. 


		> -----Original Message-----
		> From: Puneet Kishor [mailto:punkish at eidesis.org]
		> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 1:17 AM
		> To: discuss at edu.osgeo.org
		> Subject: [OSGeo-Edu] proposed meeting Apr 11
		> All,
		> I am proposing a meeting for Tue Apr 11, at 11p GMT-6
(figure out your
		> respective times). This will be an "getting our feet wet"
		> Markus won't be around, and I am not sure who else will
not be around.
		> But, some of us have confirmed our availability.
		> We will use IRC. Markus has put together a helpful
cheat-sheet at
http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/twiki/bin/view/GRASS/HowToIRC. I myself am
		> new to IRC, but have installed Chatzilla, and that seems
to work quite
		> well. There are a few other open source IRC clients out
there. Just
		> Google for 'em.
		> The agenda of the meeting will be --
		> 1. To introduce ourselves and our interests (sort of a
repeat of what
		> is there on the wiki already, but it will help get
everyone know each
		> other).
		> 2. To try and identify a few key threads in the variety of
		> that we want to pursue.
		> 3. To attempt to aggregate ourselves into sub-committees
that would
		> pursue the various threads separately. We can't all be
everything to
		> everyone, so we have to break up our goals into sub-goals,
and try and
		> accomplish those -- from higher research, to curriculum,
		> pre-packaged tools, to evangelism... lets begin to
identify them
		> consensually.
		> If too many of us are not going to be available Apr 11, I
will be happy
		> to reconvene after Apr 17 when Markus is also around, else
lets get
		> things started sooner rather than later.
		> One caveat -- I too will be on the road (am already on the
road -- hate
		> it). In fact, Apr 11, I will be in a hotel where I know
the internet
		> works quite well. In all probability everything will be
fine from my
		> side, but in case something goes kaput, you know I will
blame the
		> hotel.
		> --
		> Puneet Kishor
		> www.eidesis.org/punkish/
		> To unsubscribe, e-mail: discuss-unsubscribe at edu.osgeo.org
		> For additional commands, e-mail:
discuss-help at edu.osgeo.org
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