[OSGeo-Edu] Education committee/ BoF meeting/workshop in FOSS4G2006

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Tue Aug 29 08:59:57 EDT 2006


I'm revitalizing the thread on the potential Mellon foundation letter.
Ned Horning and I have added an entry on the wiki page Ari started below
related to our interests (thanks Ari...). Anyone else want to add

Charlie Schweik

On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 11:40 +0300, Ari Jolma wrote:
> Let's try the wiki method on this:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/OSGeo_Educational_Project
> Ari
> Charlie Schweik kirjoitti:
> > On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 10:28 +0300, Ari Jolma wrote:
> >> In the last edu committee meeting I suggested to have a real life
> >> meeting in Lausanne. At least Markus agreed that Tuesday, after the
> >> workshops would work.
> >>
> >> So this is a suggestion and a call for participation in such a meeting.
> >> The room has to be decided later. Topics to discuss:
> >>
> >> - Cooperation to develop educational materials
> >> - Should we prepare a grant application for Andrew W. Mellon Foundation?
> > 
> > Unfortunately I can't make it to the meeting in Lausanne... :-(
> > 
> > (Note: The below is coming from both me and Ned Horning.)
> >  
> > But regarding the Mellon Foundation. Ned Horning and I had a short
> > discussion with Chris Mackie, Associate Program Officer for the
> > Information Technology program of Mellon, as we were reflecting on a
> > recent call for nominations they had sent out that was due last month.
> > In this discussion, we mentioned the OSGEO.edu idea and appeared to be
> > willing to read a short proposal related to OSGeo education. Two if the
> > things I think we learned were:
> > 
> > 1) They'd prefer to support individual institutions.
> > 
> > 2) The proposal needs to fall within their program areas - meaning the
> > list of areas found here: http://www.mellon.org/grant_programs.html. 
> > The efforts under edu.osgeo probably fit under two: Scholarly
> > Communication (I've met Donald Waters, the Program chair but don't know
> > how well he remembers me), and Research in Information Technology
> > (Chris's Mackie's program).
> > 
> > So, if this group wanted to go for a Mellon grant via Chris' program,
> > the first step might be to send him a general ~2-3 page proposal
> > from the edu.OSGEO group on this initial discussion around OSGeo
> > education that describes the general idea and what components it might
> > have in it and what organizations are active in it. In it it might say
> > that the group wants to submit a series of *separate* but somehow
> > coordinated set of proposals to Mellon and then have maybe a short
> > paragraph for each sub-component to see if he'd be interested in
> > receiving a set of 2-page descriptions for each sub-component. This
> > might give him an opportunity to select subcomponents he sees most
> > interesting to Mellon.
> > 
> > Hope this is helpful.
> >  
> > Charlie
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Associate Professor 
- Department of Natural Resources Conservation (www.umass.edu/nrc) 
- Center for Public Policy and Administration (www.masspolicy.org),
- Associate Director, National Center for Digital Government (www.ncdg.org)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-1824
Website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik 

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