[OSGeo-Edu] FreeGIS Book

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 05:48:40 EDT 2006

(cc Arnulf)

On 7/10/06, Allan Doyle <adoyle at eogeo.org> wrote:
> At the last edu-IRC we decided to move the EOGEO FreeGIS Book to
> http://www.eogeo.org/Projects/projects_wiki/FreeGISBook
> So, what do we have to do to set up a FreeGIS Book wiki?

If we want a separate Wiki (which I would recommend),
we could try to ask Arnulf to set it up for us. Hi Arnulf, what
to you think? Would it be a big pain for you to install a second
wiki at wikibook.osgeo.org?


> Do we just link off of http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/
> Education_Working_Groups and go?
> I suggest that we keep the FreeGIS Book mailing list at
>    http://lists.eogeo.org/mailman/listinfo/freegisbook
> for now but if others feel strongly, we can move it to one of the
> collab.net lists.
>         Allan
> --
> Allan Doyle
> +1.781.433.2695
> adoyle at eogeo.org
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