[OSGeo-Edu] Re: edu.OSGeo publicity material

Puneet Kishor punkish at eidesis.org
Sun Jun 4 13:18:33 EDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>> Maybe I am doing something wrong, so help me. But I have tried 
>> downloading from the above link from 3 different email clients, and 
>> even gmail. Something comes down, but it is not remotely readable by 
>> anything I have. Is there a direct link available instead of a 
>> programmatic link.
> Puneet, it should just load in a web browser!
> https://visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org/servlets/GetAttachment?list=dev&msgId=11335&attachId=1 

Ok, I finally got it. I think the server is not returning an appropriate 
MIME-type, but I finally downloaded a file called "GetAttachment" (!) 
which opened up fine in Apple Preview.

Nice. I like it. I will replace all the "Lorem Ipsum" with real text and 
send it back to you soon (today), so you will have a head-start with the 
edu brochure.

Many thanks Tyler.

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