[OSGeo-Edu] special issue FOSS4G206

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Fri Oct 13 11:39:49 EDT 2006

On Oct 13, 2006, at 10:33 AM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

> On 13-Oct-06, at 7:23 AM, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>> On Oct 13, 2006, at 9:21 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
>>> Is the Educom considering a special issue or
>>> memoir of selected papers at FOSS4G2006?
>> Venka,
>> I think that we should do it, given the fact that there were no  
>> proceedings.
>> Would you be able to arrange this with IJ Geoinformatics or some  
>> other journal?
>> If yes, I will be happy to help with selection of papers, inviting  
>> the authors to submit and reviews.
> I would love to see this happen too.  My time for the next few  
> weeks is going to be minimal, but would like to help this happen in  
> any way that I can.  I think the idea is very good.  Perhaps we can  
> ask the session moderators to nominate the top 1-2 papers.  Or  
> perhaps we should go through and highlight the ones that used OSGeo- 
> specific software packages?  Have you thought about this already.


we did the special issue already twice (Transactions in GIS 2004 (for  
2002 GRASS conf, and Venka
did IJ Geoinformatics ofr foss4g2004). The big challenge is to select  
around 15 high quality papers
that can make it through the review process. For TGIS the abstracts  
that we selected were great,
but several of the papers submitted needed thorough review, one was  
turned down, delaying the publication.
So it is not just about the topic but also it needs to fit the  
journal, include some science related
results and use scientific language rather than magazine style. On  
the other hand a magazine special
issue may be a good idea too, or at least a series of 3-4 smaller  

As for the cost - $300 per color page isn't as much as other journals  
charge but I can imagine
people may have trouble finding the funding for that (we try to  
budget for publishing in our grants but even
here we may not have the money on hand at the right time). So we need  
to think about before
starting anything. For TGIS there was no cost for papers with no  
color images, those who wanted
color had to cover the cost.


> Tyler
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