[OSGeo-Edu] 1) Congrats,
2) an updated to do list and 3) trying to keep us
focused and moving forward
Charlie Schweik
cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Sat Nov 3 22:26:52 EDT 2007
Dear OSGeo Edu members:
1) First -- Congrats all for making our first stated goal after
Victoria! We've established an educational inventory with 16 items
listed! That's *terrific*. Thanks to all who contributed (there's still
time if you haven't!). See
2) Second, I've revised our task wiki page to reflect where I think we
are. See
I've listed our goals for this year. The first two goals (education
inventory and FreeGIS book) were moving forward on. The second two goals
(OSGeo classes, and Ubuntu CD) have been suggested but I'm not sure if
we have anyone taking them on.
Comments are appreciated or if you want to add your name or add a
comment to any task on the wiki please do so.
3) Any other commitments from folks on what new material they might be
developing over the next year? If so, add to this page:
Also, please consider working with Ned, Sasha and I to develop a
standard tutorial storage format.
Thanks all-
On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 08:18 +0200, maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it
> Ciao!
> at this point I'm a bit confused.
> Just to summarize. At the moment three processes are working:
> 1) collecting people and material
> 2) collecting people for a new book
> 3) collecting people for a new course
> In the first case, if people already have educational stuff and we
> suppose that the list of material is going to grow up, we need to
> manage them via metadata. Anyway we can wait and see. At the moment
> the content inventory is not so populated...
> 2) what are the characteristics of this new book, please? It is just a
> theoretical one, there are exercises and tutorials? I didn't see the
> spanish one and therefore I don't know if I agree with its setting
> (Victor can we have a look at it, pleaase)...
> 3) also in this case, we need to agree on the content and the
> characteristics of the courses. Many people in the list are teacher
> and therefore can help in preparing material that has also been tested
> with their students.
> Concluding. Point 1 is clear,point 2 and 3 need to be discussed. My
> suggestion is to collect before all the stuffs we have and then
> proceed to point 2 and 3.
> Cheers. maria
> are others (Ned Horning, Gary Watry) that might provide access to their
> > content in the future.
> >
> > OTHERS WHO ARE LURKING: If you haven't yet, please post entries for your
> > educational content on the above URL.
> >
> > But maybe the wiki listing system is enough for now? What I don't
> > like is that
> > you can't search for modules -- which I think limits it.
> >
> >> I think we should focus our target on bringing
> >> out two courses
> >>
> >> Course 1) Introduction to OSGeo Desktop GIS Software
> >> Course 2) Introduction to OSGeo Webmapping software
> >
> > These are great goals. But are there people on this list who want to
> > collaborate
> > to do these?
> >
> > I think we should inventory what people are PLANNING on doing this next year.
> > I've added this new page to our todo list:
> > http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Commitments_for_New_Material_Development
> >
> > Please add an entry for yourself, folks.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Charlie
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Associate Professor
- Department of Natural Resources Conservation (www.umass.edu/nrc)
- Center for Public Policy and Administration (www.masspolicy.org),
- Associate Director, National Center for Digital Government (www.ncdg.org)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-1824
Website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
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