[OSGeo-Edu] Up and running with LaTex.

Landon Blake lblake at ksninc.com
Thu Jun 12 13:39:01 EDT 2008

Turns out I didn't have MikTex properly installed. I corrected this
mistake yesterday, and I am now cooking with fire!


Unfortunately I still can't get Lyx to work properly, but I am able to
use LED. LED isn't open source, but it is better than nothing. I'll see
if I can follow up with my problem on the Lyx mailing list.


I'll try to put together some documentation of getting set up for LaTex
that can be used by new OSGeo authors. I'm guessing the OSGeo wiki would
be a good place for this?


At any rate, I'll work on converting my metadata chapter to LaTex in the
next week or two, and will also work on moving over the dictionary
material as well.


A couple of questions:


Should I start a LaTex book for all of the English Free GIS Book, and
not just the metadata chapter? Where is the Spanish team currently at
with their version of the book? Have there been any translation efforts?


Also, can anyone suggest a format for the dictionary in LaTex? Should I
use an article template, or a book template? Is there another more
appropriate template?


Thanks for all of the help getting started with LaTex.





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