[OSGeo-Edu] Blog

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Thu Jul 30 07:30:07 EDT 2009

Hi edu folks,

1) I just posted a new edu blog entry at [1]. If you discover or are 
doing something "newsworthy" and relevant to our group, consider sending 
it to me for posting on this blog. I'm trying to build some new 
communication capacity between us here. Keep in mind to send me material 
on what you are doing or useful geospatial educational information!

2) We've got a few more entries in our educational inventory [2]. Thanks 
to those who posted material! [Just a friendly reminder to others to do 
so if you've got material to share ;-)] Also a reminder -- we have a 
subversion system established for the storage of the actual content as 
we strive to move toward a system that promotes the creation of new 
derivatives. Helena and I are working on getting instructions up on our 
wiki... more soon.


[1] http://www.osgeo.org/blog/510
[2] http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content

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