[Fwd: Re: [OSGeo-Edu] OSGeo in academia courses]

Stefan Steiniger sstein at geo.uzh.ch
Sun Aug 29 17:44:33 EDT 2010

Hei Helena,

To my knowledge OpenJUMP is used at

- HafenCity University Hamburg (GER), GIS I/II courses, Uwe Dallu"ge,
OpenJUMP + PostGIS  (our first OJ tutorials where based on his material)

- University of Zurich (CH), Geo 123.3 - Basics in Geoinformation,
lecturers: diverse, OpenJUMP + OpenOffice + ImageJ

- University of Hohenheim (GER), GIS-Herbology with OpenJump, Christoph
Gutjahr, Martin Weiss, OpenJUMP

In my course (Geog 457 UofC) students could use OpenJUMP optional but
main tools was ArcGIS.

However there are probably more courses with OpenJUMP but people rarely
report back. And I think it is more used in research than in courses (if
I use google-scholar for JUMP GIS/ OpenJUMP.org).


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