[OSGeo-Edu] Restarting our conversations and collaborative efforts

Simon Cropper scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au
Tue Jul 13 00:02:08 EDT 2010

Hi Charlie,

I would be keen to listen in on / participate in the conversation. I have a 
range of issues surrounding the development of educational material and would 
be interested to hear how others are addressing them.

1) time of meeting. My preference is not to be wearing pyjamas when taking the 
call. I am in the same time zone as at least 2 of the respondents so hope your 
choice of meeting time is reasonable for all participants.
2) means of having the meeting. Falling clearly within the Generation X, I do 
not run Skype, MSN, Pidgen, etc. So please include clear instructions of how 
to join in on the meeting. Simply stating Skype+DateTime, is not enough - at 
least for me[1].

As outlined by Arnulf, minutes would be an advantage, so if people are unable 
to attend there is an opportunity to contribute. To this end, a chat-room 
would be better than a verbal conversation as the text can be readily saved,  
conversation streams extracted and issues with all the relevant comments 
packaged for others to comment on. These idea streams, conversations and 
directions can be placed on the Wiki or posted on the mail-list for 'lurkers' 
to read and be enticed to contribute. I have used chatzilla on freenode and it 
had this functionality. I presume other technologies do as well.

Bye-and-bye, I find it humorous that a group espousing the development of FOSS 
GIS Solutions, use Skype a non-free proprietary software, to hold a meeting.

[1] for the record, I use Ubuntu 10.04. I do not have a camera or microphone 
attached to my system.

Cheers Simon

	Simon Cropper
	Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
	PO Box 160 Sunshine 3020
	P: 03 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437
	W: http://www.botanicusaustralia.com.au

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