[OSGeo-Edu] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Foundation and Centre for Geospatial Science Sign MoU

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Tue Sep 28 17:04:56 EDT 2010


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 12:03 AM, Cameron Shorter
<cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Suchith,
> This is great news.
> I'm very interested to understand how understand the proposed direction for
> the upcoming internships.
> In particular, I think it would be very valuable if the focus of these
> internships is to develop a structure for Open Source GeoSpatial training,
> which the greater Open Source community can engage with. This can follow the
> same successful formula we have used for the OSGeo Live DVD to create
> marketing and quickstart material.

Indeed it is great news! On the training front it would be great to
carry out outreach into Africa. It would be really great if institutes
such as CGS wanted to set up partnerships and collaborations with
industry and academia here in South Africa - we have plenty of
challenges and scope for interesting collaborative projects.

Please contact me if you are interested in such collaborations!




Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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