[OSGeo-Edu] Academic Event

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 08:40:24 EDT 2011

Lluís, others,

I'm prepared to participate in an OSGeo edu workshop and meeting and the 
english-language stream in Jornadas de SIG Libre in Girona next March. 
Flights to Barcelona are cheap.

I could run a workshop about packaging geospatial edu material for OSGeo 
live dvd / virtual machine as I'm learning it myself now (see the first 
result at http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi/packages/ ). This could be a part 
of the working meeting.

As the meeting is very close to March 30th, the COST action - if we plan 
for it - needs to be mostly planned before the workshop.


On 10/26/2011 01:13 PM, Lluís Vicens wrote:
> Dear all,
> Rosa has been looking for different funding options to host the 
> Academic/Edu meeting here in Girona next March and it seems that it's 
> not easy.
> Here it goes a short summary:
> *1/ COST provides financial support for cooperation efforts of 
> scientific groups across Europe and the coordination of these research 
> networks called "Actions". The support will cover the costs of 
> networking activities such as meetings (e.g. travel, subsistence, 
> local organiser support), conferences, workshops, short-term 
> scientific exchanges, training schools, publications and dissemination 
> activities. COST does not fund the research itself.
> As Ari suggested, the proposal submission is a two steps process: a) 
> Submit a short proposal before March 30th 2012, and then a long 
> proposal before July 27h.
> Final resolution will be December 5th 2012
> on http://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/doc/call12/fiches_en.pdf and 
> http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/ka3/ict_multilateral_networks_en.php
> As you can see, the deadline is March 1st 2012, and the resolution is 
> June 2012.
> The problem with this two different funding programs (COST & LifeLong 
> Learning...) is that they are good to organize a meeting in 2013, but 
> not for 2012. :|
> I don't know if there are any other options for funding a meeting in 
> 2012. Anybody knows? If we don't have funds I believe that it's not so 
> easy to move persons across Europe, coming from different universities 
> and research institutions.
> Otherwise, maybe we can plan a «working meeting» in Girona (March 
> 2012) in order to share ideas and experiences and to work together to 
> choose a funding program, and start to work to organize a Edu-meeting 
> in 2013 (scope, needs, actions, attendants, workshops, ...) and to get 
> the real interest for a meeting like that, and to know who really 
> wants to be involved... Even without a funding program, universities 
> and institutions can be able to send a delegate for one or two days in 
> Girona in order to attend a « preparatory working meeting». Then we 
> can share and present this project during the Spanish foss4g meeting 
> (Jornadas de SIG Libre).
> This are just some ideas :)
> What do you think? Please, let me know your thoughts...
> Lluís
> El dj 20 de 10 de 2011 a les 15:15 -0400, en/na Charles Schweik va 
> escriure:
>> 1) I have created a new entry on our wiki page to help us organize 
>> our 2011-2012 initiatives. I've tried to build "interest party" lists 
>> from the emails. I'm sure I missed some or couldn't remember exact 
>> institutional affiliations.
>> See
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Educational_Content_Inventory#2011-2012_Initiatives
>> Please add your name if it is missing, or update if I have something 
>> wrong or email me if you can't edit the wiki.
>> 2) Tyler's question of nailing down a date.
>> +1 for doing the events in sequence (EU-March, US-May) rather than in 
>> parallel.
>> See if we can get funds for some cross-participation and we figure 
>> out how to build from the March event in May.
>> 3) More relatively soon on a virtual meeting to plan. I think Phil is 
>> crunching on a his proposal which may have the idea of a May workshop 
>> in it but Phil, when you are ready let's discuss the virtual meeting 
>> logistics and plan for early November.
>> 4) Our next step is maybe to try and work on virtual meeting topics. 
>> I've tried to start this on the wiki page above. Please add ideas, 
>> colleagues!
>> Great to see this energy. One goal I know we have is to have some 
>> kind of educational deliverable for FOSS4G next year to compliment 
>> the LiveDVD.
>> Cheers
>> Charlie
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