[OSGeo-Edu] Academic Event
Alex Mandel
tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Mon Oct 31 13:46:33 EDT 2011
timeanddate.com makes it easy to figure out the timezone issue.
Assuming the participants are all in the Americas and Europe there are
several times a day that are generally good.
On 10/26/2011 11:44 PM, Ari Jolma wrote:
> On 10/27/2011 12:50 AM, Jorge Gustavo wrote:
>> Hi C,
>> Maybe you can create a pool on doodle.com, and each of us will go
>> there to state our preferences. Please mention the time zone in use :-)
> I think this is the only sensible way to go as the time zones make it
> very difficult. Pick a few one or two hour slots. I'm mostly available
> on that week.
> Ari
>> Regards,
>> Jorge
>> Em 26-10-2011 22:11, cschweik at gmail.com escreveu:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to organize a virtual meeting for week of Nov 1st. To discuss
>>> these workshop proposals. Anyone have ideas on how to settle on a
>>> day/time?
>>> Charlie
>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone
>>> ----- Reply message -----
>>> From: "Lluís Vicens" <lluis at sigte.udg.es>
>>> To: "edu_discuss at lists.osgeo.org" <edu_discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> Subject: [OSGeo-Edu] Academic Event
>>> Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2011 4:13 am
>>> Dear all,
>>> Rosa has been looking for different funding options to host the
>>> Academic/Edu meeting here in Girona next March and it seems that it's
>>> not easy.
>>> Here it goes a short summary:
>>> *1/ COST provides financial support for cooperation efforts of
>>> scientific groups across Europe and the coordination of these research
>>> networks called “Actions”. The support will cover the costs of
>>> networking activities such as meetings (e.g. travel, subsistence, local
>>> organiser support), conferences, workshops, short-term scientific
>>> exchanges, training schools, publications and dissemination activities.
>>> COST does not fund the research itself.
>>> As Ari suggested, the proposal submission is a two steps process: a)
>>> Submit a short proposal before March 30th 2012, and then a long proposal
>>> before July 27h.
>>> Final resolution will be December 5th 2012
>>> on http://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/doc/call12/fiches_en.pdf and
>>> http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/ka3/ict_multilateral_networks_en.php
>>> As you can see, the deadline is March 1st 2012, and the resolution is
>>> June 2012.
>>> The problem with this two different funding programs (COST & LifeLong
>>> Learning...) is that they are good to organize a meeting in 2013, but
>>> not for 2012. :|
>>> I don't know if there are any other options for funding a meeting in
>>> 2012. Anybody knows? If we don't have funds I believe that it's not so
>>> easy to move persons across Europe, coming from different universities
>>> and research institutions.
>>> Otherwise, maybe we can plan a «working meeting» in Girona (March 2012)
>>> in order to share ideas and experiences and to work together to choose a
>>> funding program, and start to work to organize a Edu-meeting in 2013
>>> (scope, needs, actions, attendants, workshops, ...) and to get the real
>>> interest for a meeting like that, and to know who really wants to be
>>> involved... Even without a funding program, universities and
>>> institutions can be able to send a delegate for one or two days in
>>> Girona in order to attend a « preparatory working meeting». Then we can
>>> share and present this project during the Spanish foss4g meeting
>>> (Jornadas de SIG Libre).
>>> This are just some ideas :)
>>> What do you think? Please, let me know your thoughts...
>>> Lluís
>>> El dj 20 de 10 de 2011 a les 15:15 -0400, en/na Charles Schweik va
>>> escriure:
>>>> 1) I have created a new entry on our wiki page to help us organize our
>>>> 2011-2012 initiatives. I've tried to build "interest party" lists from
>>>> the emails. I'm sure I missed some or couldn't remember exact
>>>> institutional affiliations.
>>>> See
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Educational_Content_Inventory#2011-2012_Initiatives
>>>> Please add your name if it is missing, or update if I have something
>>>> wrong or email me if you can't edit the wiki.
>>>> 2) Tyler's question of nailing down a date.
>>>> +1 for doing the events in sequence (EU-March, US-May) rather than in
>>>> parallel.
>>>> See if we can get funds for some cross-participation and we figure out
>>>> how to build from the March event in May.
>>>> 3) More relatively soon on a virtual meeting to plan. I think Phil is
>>>> crunching on a his proposal which may have the idea of a May workshop
>>>> in it but Phil, when you are ready let's discuss the virtual meeting
>>>> logistics and plan for early November.
>>>> 4) Our next step is maybe to try and work on virtual meeting topics.
>>>> I've tried to start this on the wiki page above. Please add ideas,
>>>> colleagues!
>>>> Great to see this energy. One goal I know we have is to have some kind
>>>> of educational deliverable for FOSS4G next year to compliment the
>>>> LiveDVD.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Charlie
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