[El] pgrouting v1.05 in elgis-testing (was [pgrouting-users]
Preferred version)
Mathieu Baudier
mbaudier at argeo.org
Mon Dec 6 10:40:51 EST 2010
there is a new pgrouting release, v1.05
(and a new website: http://www.pgrouting.org/).
It probably integrates the bug fixes that were making us consider to
build a version from SVN.
pgrouting 1.05 has been built and deployed in elgis-testing.
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 16:05, Peter Hopfgartner
<peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com> wrote:
> --------Mathieu Baudier <mbaudier at argeo.org> wrote--------
> Subject: Re: [El] RE: Re: [pgrouting-users] Preferred version
> Date: 26.10.2010 15:42
>>Hi Peter,
> Hi Mathieu!
>>can you please give more details about this pgrouting update?
> I did some inquiry on the pgrouting users list, http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pgrouting-users/2010-October/thread.html, and the developers there consider the current SVN version quite stable. Indeed, it seems that the current Ubuntu version, which is packaged by Daniel, if I'm right, is using the same version.
>>Should I update elgis-testing with it?
> I would say yes, but I still have to put it under torture (our mountain biking application).
> >From where is the code taken from if it is not an official release?
> http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/svn/pgrouting/trunk
> >From an SCM? At which revision?
> It's the current version, 358.
> While I think that testing might a good place for it, I really would avoid to put SCM-snapshots into stable. If we do have some testing feedback, we should feed it to the upstream developers and see if we can help in releasing a stable upstream version. It think that the concept of a stable rpm based on a instable upstream is bogus.
>>Thanks in advance!
> Ciao,
> Peter
>>On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:16, Peter Hopfgartner
>><peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Anton,
>>> I've put a temporary copy on:
>>> http://www.r3-gis.com/upload/pgrouting-1.03.5-1.x86_64.rpm and
>>> http://www.r3-gis.com/upload/pgrouting-1.03.5-1.src.rpm .
>>> We'll do some testing on it in the next days.
>>> Regards,
>>> Peter
>>> R3 GIS Srl - GmbH
>>> http://www.r3-gis.com
>>> --------Anton Patrushev <anton.patrushev at georepublic.de> wrote--------
>>> Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] Preferred version
>>> Date: 17.10.2010 13:10
>>>>Hi Peter,
>>>>Yes, you're right.
>>>>We still didn't make a decision about 1.04 - too many other things to
>>>>So, you can take it and name it 1.035 :)
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