[El] GDAL with PCRaster support, TinyOWS,
mod_geocache in elgis-testing
Mathieu Baudier
mbaudier at argeo.org
Tue Nov 2 04:13:28 EDT 2010
> could these notes be added to the Wiki for future reference? At least for me some of them are really new.
Good idea!
For the time being, I put them here:
These are just random points that came to my mind while I was merging
your effort.
I'm sure we will soon converge to a simple but clean procedure.
I find it really great if many of us can maintain these packages!
The "last mile" of merging them into subversion, building them
cleanly, signing them, releasing them, etc. requires more efforts that
it looks and I can already feel the limit of my available time (which
I actually consider good news, since it is related to the repo
starting to have a reasonable coverage)
> By the way: do we have only the Page http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Enterprise_Linux_GIS or can new pages be added, eventually with a common prefix?
I agree that it would be better and I already asked OSGeo for this but
got no answer yet.
I will ask them again.
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