[El] gdal-java

Ralph Apel r.apel at r-apel.de
Mon Nov 15 04:31:31 EST 2010

Hi Mathieu,

after rebuilding gdal-1.7.2-5_2.src.rpm on my box (had to disable tests
for some reason), there are only some minor details to add, as well as
consequences for other packages, i.e. imageio-ext. Here my comments:


1) The file locations for gdal-java are basically OK.

2) But there should be a versionless symlink /usr/share/java/gdal.jar
--> gdal-1.7.2.jar (according to JPackage rules as adopted by many

3) Marking gdal-java as architecture dependent (i.e. .i386.rpm, etc.) is
OK because the shared libraries contained in this packages do the job
and the Java classes are for binding purposes only. 

4) But in order to just compile (not run) some reference to the gdal
bindings the (arch independent) jar file is sufficient. This is what
it.geosolutions do with their imageio-ext: they provide the jar file
from gdal-1.7.2 naming it "gdal-bindings" from their point of view.

5) Therefore a new imageio-ext package should drop the 

$ tar tzf SOURCES/imageio-ext-1.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz | grep jar$ | grep gdal

and (Build)Require gdal-java instead.

6) In such a new imageio-ext package there will be no need for 

$ rpm -ql imageio-ext | grep bindings
$ more /usr/share/maven2/poms/JPP.imageio-ext-gdal-bindings.pom
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0

7) Then, there also should be a .pom file for gdal-java, as well as a so
called "dependency mapping" (depmap)

8) Regarding the pom file as such, the only reference I have been able
to find is
to no avail. 

I would propose to start with a very simple one like

<project xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0

9) In the gdal-java subpackage, this pom should be located
at /usr/share/maven2/poms/JPP-gdal.pom
consistent with the location of the versionless
symlink /usr/share/java/gdal.jar

10) If using jpackage-utils like

BuildRequires:  jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.5
Requires:  jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.5
Requires(post):    jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.5
Requires(postun):  jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.5

in the %install section there should be a 

%add_to_maven_depmap org.gdal gdal-java-bindings %{version} JPP %{name} 

This macro creates a file /etc/maven/fragments/gdal for install,
containing a "depmap" like


which will be processed by maven2 from JPP permitting it to find the

If another macro


is included in %post as well as in %postun (of the gdal-java subpackage,
I guess), then the "depmap summaries" in


will be updated on install/uninstall.


I will now test these modifications and prepare a modified imageio-ex
package (which does still have some other issues to solve):

$ tar tzf SOURCES/imageio-ext-1.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz | grep jar$



On Thu, 2010-11-11 at 10:11 +0100, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> Hi Ralph,
> while you are looking around the native libraries required for Java
> GIS, I would be very interested in your opinion about the gdal-java
> package (the version in testing).
> I kind of hacked the gdal spec file so that the JNI libraries are also
> produced and installed.
> But I'm not so sure that I did it properly and consistently with Java
> packaging rules on EL (I had a look at Fedora Java packaging
> guidelines, but did not implement all that they recommend).
> Moreover I am not sure whether the (arch independent) Java JAR file
> which is produced, is also properly installed for use with other
> applications.
> Thanks in advance!
> Mathieu

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