[El] Some new stuff in elgis(-plus)-testing: pgrouting with TSP support, JNI libs in gdal-java, mapnik

Mathieu Baudier mbaudier at argeo.org
Mon Oct 11 13:26:48 EDT 2010


before going on the field for the next two weeks, I tested/packaged
some software and uploaded them on elgis(-plus)-testing:

- pgrouting: Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) support by adding the
gaul-devel package
- gdal-java: Java Native Interface (JNI) libraries (useful for
Geoserver), note that x86_64 conflicts with i386 at this stage

- mapnik: requires to upgrade the boost library, also note that that I
rebuilt dejavu-fonts from the RPMForge repo and removed the Conflicts
with font-config: I would very careful before testing this on a
desktop. I haven't had time to real test it, so this is really
experimental (but I don't see why it shouldn't work)

The fact that such packages are put in testing doesn't mean that they
will necessarily end up in stable (I personally think that it is more
valuable to have a few core packages which are well maintained than
plenty around).
The testing repo is just a practical way to have recent software
available and share our experiences on it.

Feel free of course to contribute spec files of software related to
GIS that you have packaged and would like to share (although I won't
be available to upload them for the next two weeks, but I'll do it as
soon as possible).

When I'm back, I would like to move PostGIS 1.5.2 to stable: this is
just a bug fix release and I used it since its release without any
And maybe QGIS 1.5.0 as well, since we agreed that the current 1.4.0
in stable is really limited without Python support.



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