[El] pcraster support in GDAL/OGR 1.7.2 release (1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis.i386) ?

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Mon Oct 18 06:14:35 EDT 2010

--------Peter Hopfgartner <peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com> wrote--------
Subject: RE: [El] pcraster support in GDAL/OGR 1.7.2 release	(1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis.i386) ?
Date: 18.10.2010 10:37

>--------Mauricio Zambrano <mauricio.zambrano at jrc.ec.europa.eu>
>Subject: [El] pcraster support in GDAL/OGR 1.7.2
>release	(1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis.i386) ?
>Date: 18.10.2010 10:20
>>Dear el list,
>Hi Mauricio,
>>I'm a new user of RHEL 5, and while working with the gdal library, I
>>noticed that the latest stable version of the library, as delivered by
>>1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis.i386 package
>>doesn't support the PCRaster format, what seems strange for me because
>>in the gdal web page (http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html) PCRaster is
>>mentioned as supported format, and also the older version (1.6.x)
>>supported that format.
>I'm trying right now to build a GDAL package with PCRaster enabled, to
>see if this raises any issues.

Hi Mauricio,

the package builds fine with PCRaster. Unfortunatly I can not give you a working binary package, since I have a slightly different setup (we are using MySQL 5.1 from Remi's rpm repo) and I do not have a running 32 bit build machine, anymore.

Anyway, you can get rebuild your own version easily.

1. Set up a build environment, (http://fedoranews.org/hoyt/rpm/)
2. Download http://elgis.argeo.org/repos/testing/5/elgis/SRPMS/gdal-1.7.2-5_1.el5.elgis.src.rpm,
3. Enable PCraster in gdal.spec
4. build the package. In case you are prompted by TeX/LaTeXm give type "q" followed by enter 


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