[El] BigTiff

Hatzopoulos, Nikolaos hatzopou at chapman.edu
Fri Oct 29 02:26:58 EDT 2010

I found out that gdal source has an internal libtiff that supports bigtiff
so if you compile it with  --with-libtiff=internal
enables BigTiff support :) so simple


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Hopfgartner [mailto:peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com]
Sent: Wed 10/27/2010 12:49 AM
To: Frank Warmerdam
Cc: Hatzopoulos, Nikolaos; el at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: Re: [El] BigTiff
--------Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote--------

Subject: Re: [El] BigTiff

Date: 27.10.2010 04:09

>Hatzopoulos, Nikolaos wrote:

>> How We can add BigTiff support to gdal?


>> gdal_merge.py -co bigtiff-yes -of GTiff -o test.tif nax81.tif nax82.tif


>> Warning 6: Creation option 'bigtiff-yes' is not formatted with the

>key=value format

>> ERROR 6: A 44610 pixels x 62319 lines x 3 bands Byte image would be

>larger than 4GB

>> but this is the largest size a TIFF can be, and BigTIFF is unavailable.

>> Creation failed.

>> Creation failed, terminating gdal_merge.




>BigTIFF support will require libtiff 4 (beta).  I see currently a rather

>antique libtiff is being used.   Note that the libtiff4 ABI is different

>than libtiff3.


Hi Nikolaos

I did a quick and dirty source package of tiff4, you'll find it at  http://www.r3-gis.com/upload/libtiff-3.99.6-1.el5.src.rpm. Could you try to build gdal and other tiff dependencies against this version?

>Best regards,



>I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,

>warmerdam at pobox.com

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