[El] BigTiff

Hatzopoulos, Nikolaos hatzopou at chapman.edu
Fri Oct 29 15:32:17 EDT 2010

You can add a gdal version with big tiff support with --lib-tiff=internal
in a test repo because as you see there are issues with libtiff and bigtiff support
but for my case that I wanted to merge 3 tiff together it is working :)

my comments about fedora and ubuntu are:
ubuntu they are not supported from dell any more that means a lot of things..
I think they took advantage of the word free and they lost control how to build
binaries from the very beginning of this project.

fedora is a good linux distribution but it has compatibility issues and it looks
like a testing distro for redhat's future.

centos is based on redhat source and there are a lot of servers outside running centos.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mathieu Baudier [mailto:mbaudier at argeo.org]
Sent: Fri 10/29/2010 11:19 AM
To: peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com; Frank Warmerdam
Cc: Hatzopoulos, Nikolaos; el at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: Re: [El] BigTiff
>>I already spoke to Tom Lane who maintains the redhat libtiff package
>>libtiff4 and he suggested I just start from the 3.8.2 rpm.  Seeing as
>>Niko has already produced a libtiff 4 rpm I'll take a look at that.  I'd

Do you think we could install libtiff4 in parallel to (base) libtiff?
If you have a contact with a "real" RPM packager (Tom) maybe he could
give us hints on how to do that.

I think that we are all here more into GIS software rather than RPM
packaging, and this issue sounds tricky, especially since it impacts
GDAL/OGR upon which pretty much everything else depends.
(not the same as when I wildly hack python26 stuff in elgis-plus in
order to get QGIS more or less working...)

> In http://www.r3-gis.com/upload/libtiff-3.99.6-1.el5.src.rpm libtiff4 is simply a newer version of libtiff. Anyway, am I over-cautious assuming  that applications compiled against libtiff3 would have problems with it?

I'm not comfortable with updating libtiff which is part of RHEL/CentOS
base: it means that everything that depends upon it would then go to
elgis-plus, that is GDAL/OGR goes into elgis-plus, that is pretty much
everything else goes into elgis-plus...

Personally, I would prefer to give up on BigTiff support and have my
servers running an unmodified Enterprise Linux + additional software.
Otherwise, I would rather use Ubuntu or even Fedora, which have much
bigger user bases.

>>issue.  I'd, for those who don't know me, I'm the GDAL/OGR project

The occasion to thank you for this great project!

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