[El] Missing dependencies

Micha Silver micha at arava.co.il
Wed Sep 1 01:42:52 EDT 2010

On 31/08/2010 19:32, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> Hi Micha,
> Just an idea: did you try whether it is working when using the TCL/Tk interface?
> (run 'grass64 -tcltk' from the command line)
Yes, the tcl/tk interface worked fine, together with the vector 
digitizer and the 3D nviz feature.
> According to your analysis, if:
> - we could succeed in having SIP and PyQt4 properly integrated with
> python26 instead of the default python
> - we integrate your steps in the spec file
> then, we would have a chance (we actually built the SIP and PyQt4
> packages in the first place only in order to build and package QGIS)
Probably that course would be workable. But, it's kind of a deadend, no? 
Anyone needing a desktop system will probably drift away from CentOS 5 
for many other reasons, not related to GIS. You've already gotten the 
set of packages needed for a good GIS server on CentOS 5. Efforts to 
keep that updated would probably be most rewarding and useful.
> It encourages me to have a look at this again when I'm back in the
> office in two weeks time (I kept the modified spec files on my local
> copy)
>> and after opening the source tarball, I changed the Makefile:
> isn't there a makefile under gui/wxpython/ (or gui/) that you should
> modify instead of the main makefile? (just an idea, I don't have the
> sources here)
Yes, there is. but it never gets done. The current Makefile setup by 
default does not go down into the vdigit or the nviz directories since 
they are not working on Windows (also not on other pre-python2.6 
systems). So these two features are disabled by default in the source. 
And I couldn't find where to re-enable them. And since rpmbuild -bb 
always gets you a fresh source tree - by design - I was in a catch 22. 
If you ignore the rpmbuild, and instead run the basic configure, make , 
then go into the vdigit directory and run make, and finally && sudo make 
install,  then the vector digitizer is added.
>> Bottom line, as you said, we should wait for CentOS 6...
> Is it so sure?
> It will take a while after CentOS 6 is released before the entire
> ecosystem (third party repos, forums, mailing-list, etc.) slowly
> upgrades, and also before the OS reaches its praised stability.
Aren't some of the needed packages already in epel for RHEL 6 beta??
Since RHEL 6 is based on python 2.6, some of the troubles will just go 
away. Also, as Markus pointed out, GRASS devs are looking to get rid of 
the whole swig/sip business anyway, and get everything into python. (Not 
so much for CentOS, but rather to insure Win compatibility)
> As for myself, I'm not sure that I will upgrade all my desktops right
> away, since for the most part they "just work fine" (which is the main
> motivation of many EL users I guess).
> I suggest that we:
> - keep trying on CentOS 5 with not-so-high priority
fair enough...
> - focus on having soon a modern and complete set of packages for CentOS 6
> - do a poll and discuss this via the mailing-list after CentOS 6 is
> out and people are making their mind about their update path
> Thanks a lot for your help,
Hope I can continue to join in once CentOS 6 hits the news-stands...
> Mathieu
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.

Micha Silver
Arava Development Co.  +972-52-3665918

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