[El] grass-6.4.0-2 in elgis-testing

Mathieu Baudier mbaudier at argeo.org
Wed Sep 15 17:07:57 EDT 2010


the grass-6.4.0-2 package has been built and deployed in the
elgis-testing repository.

It fixes two relatively minor packaging issues raised during testing:
- proj-epsg and proj-nad are now dependencies
- the default location for the epsg file provided by proj-epsg (and
used in the "Location Wizard") was wrong and has been fixed

If no objection, we will push this version to elgis (stable) during
the next weekend in order to have GRASS 6.4.0 as our current stable



PS: please keep in mind that due to a problem with the version
ordering of previous builds (see previous mails) you need to exclude
grass* from the elgis repo file if you want to test GRASS 6.4.0,
currently in elgis-testing.
We will try to fix this so that it doesn't happen again during the
next GRASS development cycle.

Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/elgis.repo

name=EL GIS 5 - $basearch

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