[ELGIS] RE: GDAL python bindings and libspatialite
Mathieu Baudier
mbaudier at argeo.org
Wed Aug 24 02:42:13 EDT 2011
> same error to me
> it seems that libspatialite is not compiled right
Can you please send a call which fails?
With ELGIS 5 Stable I have this:
[mbaudier at alma ~]$ gdal_merge.py
No input files selected.
Usage: gdal_merge.py [-o out_filename] [-of out_format] [-co NAME=VALUE]*
[-ps pixelsize_x pixelsize_y] [-tap] [-separate]
[-q] [-v] [-pct]
[-ul_lr ulx uly lrx lry] [-n nodata_value] [-init
"value [value...]"]
[-ot datatype] [-createonly] input_files
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