[El] Qgis 1.6.0 without PCRaster support
Mauricio Zambrano
mauricio.zambrano at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Wed Feb 23 04:08:52 EST 2011
On Wed, 2011-02-23 at 09:33 +0100, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> > $ which gdalinfo
> > /usr/local/bin/gdalinfo
> >
> > $ ls -la `which gdalinfo`
> > -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 33K Oct 20 11:12 /usr/local/bin/gdalinfo
> ah! ah! where si this GDAL coming from under /usr/local ?
> Did you do a build from source? (On October 20th...)
You are completely right !.
> This is this version which is taken for the command line tools.
> Can you please execute:
> /usr/bin/gdalinfo --version
> /usr/local/bin/gdalinfo --version
$ /usr/bin/gdalinfo --version
GDAL 1.7.3, released 2010/11/10
$ /usr/local/bin/gdalinfo --version
GDAL 1.7.2, released 2010/04/23
> You need to clean the version you built and installed from source.
> I must say that I don't really know how to do this cleanly (hence the
> point of using RPMs...)
> A quick Google search on 'GDAL make uninstall' shows that there is no
> easy way to do it:
> http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/uninstalling-upgrading-gdal-td2029995.html
> (but all messages are quite old)
> Does anybody else on the list have an idea on how to do that properly?
It seems that there is no easy way of doing this.
In this thread
somebody offered a script for removing .src.rpm, but I'll try it only as
a last resource...
At the other hand, what happen if I just remove all the gdal related
files from /usr/local/bin/ ?
Alternatively, every time that want to use the new version of gdal I
have to put the complete path
right ?
> > google-earth google-earth enabled: 1
> >
> > I think that my GIS repositories are a mess ...
> No they seem clean, your pb is related to a build from source
> apparently (see above).
> OT question: did you succeed in running GoogleEarth on RHEL?
> I cannot get it to run on CentOS (I could long ago, but then it broke
> after some version).
> Or is it a commercial version? (if I may ask)
I partially succeed with the normal GNU/Linux version, because since
yesterday, I'm able to run it, but only in 'OpenGL Software emulation
mode' (which is quite slow, but fortunately I my hardware make this less
painful than expected :). When I try DirectX, It doesn't even start...
> I will try again now that GoogleEarth 6 is out...
It may worth a try...
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